A complaint must be received by the Registrar in writing, recorded on audio tape or on video, submitted on disk or on other permanent medium. The complaint should include: the name of the therapist, the time, place, date(s) and details of the event(s). There is no time limitation on filing a complaint with us.
For your assistance we have developed a complaints form that you may wish to use. This template has been developed to ensure that all necessary information is included in your letter of complaint.
Once a Complaint Has Been Received
After ensuring that all the required information has been received, the Registrar contacts the complainant in writing to confirm receipt of the complaint and notifies the Complaints Committee that a complaint has been filed. The therapist then receives a copy of the complaint with a request for a written reply within thirty days. The therapist's response will be forwarded to the complainant who will then be given an opportunity for further comment.
Investigating a Complaint
At its discretion, the Committee may appoint an investigator to inquire into the complaint. The investigator may visit the site of the alleged incident(s), interview people who may have pertinent information, or meet separately with both the complainant and the therapist. Following the investigation, a report is compiled and submitted to the Committee. The Committee then reviews the report and the supporting documentation and decides how to proceed.
More Facts About Complaints
-The Complaints Committee is comprised of both public and professional members of the Council.
-The Committee is only responsible for determining whether the massage therapist's services were professionally and competently rendered. The Complaints Committee has no authority to assess injury, demand refunds from the therapist or award damages to complainant.
-The College will not process anonymous complaints as the certified thai massage practitioner who is the subject of the complaint must be in a position to respond fully to the allegation or allegations contained in the complaint.
-Unlike the results of the disciplinary hearing, which become a matter of public record, all information relating to the investigation and resolution of complaints is held in the strictest of confidence.
The Decision
The Committee may do one or more of the following
in response to a complaint:
-dismiss the complaint, giving reasons in writing, if the massage therapist's conduct and actions meet acceptable standards of practice;
-refer the case to the Discipline Committee for action if there are sufficient grounds for a charge of professional misconduct or incompetence or both;
-refer the case to the Executive Committee for further action if there is sufficient evidence to suggest physical or mental incapacity; and/or
-take action that it considers appropriate which is consistent with the Regulated Health Profession Act, 1991 such as issuing a verbal caution
Both the complainant and the certified thai massage practitioner receive a written copy of the decision. Either party has the right to appeal the decision within 30 days.
Submit Your Complaint Online
Support: 416-939-8888